Ryan Nun’s Cross Planning Application
There is a new planning application 09500 placed with the Wicklow County Council. This contains a plan to discharge all of the Surface Water from the 71 dwellings into the River Vartry via a pipe that will run down the road and drill down into the Bridge 3 meters. The pipe will then run inside the oldest part of the Protected Nun’s Cross Bridge structure (pre 1730) and out through its oldest arch. The water will contain pollutants from the paving and roof runoff which will be deposited in the river just above its most sensitive Salmon Beds. We have objected as a group but would like everyone to view the objection themselves. “See Objection” As well you are encouraged to make your own submission for a cost of 20 euro at the Wicklow County Council.
May 14 2009 07:52 am | Threats