
We do not want to become a political body in Ireland but protecting the River Vartry requires that we have Councillors and Government Bodies helping to see that the Environment and Community issues are taken into consideration when planning, developing or granting licenses.  This often does come down to voting in the correct people for the job; people that understand and care about these issues.  We want to provide a space here for people involved with the Politics of Environment to comment but also to help those politicians that understand the Environment.

Lobbying is defined as the practice of influencing decisions made by government. It is almost a threat, used at election time, to say “do what we want or else”. The difficulty with it (without judging rightness or wrongness) is that there can be the equal and opposite force being placed on the Politician and you do not know in the end, who will win out. When dealing with the Environment and potential damage to it, there are no winners. There are only those that have not realised the importance the Environment has to us and those who already understand it. We do not intend to lobby, we intend to support those individuals that have shown through their work that they are likely to make the right decisions regarding Environmental Issues. A few good Politicians will make the difference and is far more powerful than Lobbying. These Politicians have been recognised through their work for the Environment and should be supported. If you know of someone else that should be here and is not, please, please Blog or write to admin(at)rivervartry.com.

Cllr Caroline Burrell (Green Party) will contest a seat in Greystones for Wicklow County Council for the first time.
Patricia Kavanagh (Green Party) is a native of Wicklow Town and on the Wicklow Town Council. She is always helping and busy with the community.
Andrew Doyle TD (fine gael) represents Wicklow County on the Dáil. He is a true representative and it is always a pleasure to meet and talk with him.
Senator Shane Ross (independent) with an open and independent voice to Environment
